Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Maya Mexican Restaurant

Growing up in Southern California has many perks. Being close to Mexico, we have the opportunity to experience Mexican food in many restaurants. Mexican food has a definite character it's own, using tortillas, peppers, avocados, and refried beans among many other specific, flavorful ingredients. Most of the authentic recipes of Mexico are very simple, but create distinct flavors that keep us coming back for more.

While shopping for some of the things I plan to take back with me to Russia on this trip, I had lunch in one of the local Mexican restaurants in Santa Maria.

The Maya is located near the main streets in Santa Maria, only a block away from the Mall where I was doing my shopping for the day, but it seemed to be a stroke of luck to find this place. It's located on a bit of a side street, hidden from view from the main streets. This meant the place was not very busy at lunch time, so I was able to get a table right away.

Walking in, I was pleasantly surprised to find an open kitchen. I like that. I feel that if a chef is willing to let everybody see what's going on in the preparation area for the food they will be serving me, chances are they are confident in my satisfaction.

The bright colors so commonly used in Mexican decorating invited us in as we walked through the door. I returned from Russia only a couple days before, so walking into a restaurant with all these bright colors reminded me that I was back in Southern California... and my mouth woke up in anticipation of the flavors to follow. Of course, flavor begins with the eyes, and it certainly was making a bold statement at the Maya.

The open view into the kitchen allowed us to watch them prepare freshly made tortilla chips along with all the meals coming out to the customers.

Every Mexican restaurant has the common tortilla chips which is prepared by deep-frying tortillas cut into strips or quarters and salsa that can be prepared to various degrees of heat. 
The fresh tortilla chips at the Maya were noticeably light and crispy without being hard and tough which I've come to expect at most Mexican restaurants these days. The salsa at the Maya had pretty high heat but it was really flavorful and I couldn't stop eating it.

The Carne Asada Tostadas (say that 3 times fast) came piled high on the plate as if it was proud to be on the plate, about to be devoured. The meat was perfectly browned which creates that flavor in every bite like eating the ends of a flame-kissed grilled roast.

The Shredded Chicken Tostadas were equally flavorful topped with lettuce, cheese, and sour cream. Traditional beans and rice as sides rounded out the meal into a fulfilling experience. Orange slices sometimes accompany dishes like this to help cut through the thickness of a particular bite that is heavy and coating your mouth as you get into eating. We didn't need them here with these light, perfectly balanced Mexican Frisbees of flavor.

Chile Verde. Cubed pork burrito in green sauce. In so many Mexican restaurants that I have eaten at while growing up, the pork is overcooked to the point where it is dry and needs to be covered in sauce to help chew and break down the fibers. Chile Verde at the Maya reminds me of what Chile Verde is supposed to be - bites of juicy meat with a sauce that wakes up the taste buds. I was really pleasantly surprised to enjoy this burrito which I normally don't order at other restaurants.

I originally walked into the Maya because I found a parking space nearby but I have to remember this place. It's definitely worth looking for. I'm sure I'll be heading to Santa Maria one more time to do some shopping so I'll have another chance to eat at the Maya before I head back to Russia.

With a clean and festive atmosphere, friendly wait staff, and reasonable prices, The Maya serves excellent Mexican food that I don't have to travel to yet another country to taste. If you find yourself anywhere near the mall in Santa Maria, grab your smart phone and find this place, you'll be glad you did.

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